
I was stalking over somebody’s IG account and found that she was just got married. Then I saw some of her friends comment on her photos: “eh ini beneran lo? Cantik banget. Ini pasti foto orang ya?” “Cantik, tapi kok masih gemuk? Diet dong, kan mau nikah.” “Ini udah H minus sekian (nikah) kok masih gemuk?”
And other kind of comments yang intinya lo-cantik-tapi-ada-aja-kurangnya.

I mean, come on people. Apa susahnya siy giving sincere compliments? Apa susahnya bilang orang lain cantik/ganteng titik nggak pakai tapi? Apa susahnya lihat orang lain senang? Ketika hidup kita lagi senang, we expect people to respect our happiness too, don’t we? Why don’t we do the same upon others’ happiness?

Just because you’re at a low point in your life and your friends are at their high, doesn’t mean you are eligible to drag them to low point by giving negative comments. Here’s another clue: imagine if you’re at a high point and somebody tries to drag you down, would you be happy with their action?

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